In the continuously evolving world of data, which is becoming the backbone of every space, it is supremely important that this data is presented in a clear and precise manner. Since Excel is one of the widely used tools for analyzing data, one must possess the basic skills of presentation in Excel.

Here are 5 ways to make it look good with Excel.
An Excel file must be assigned a proper name and the sheets it carries. A nameless file creates lots of confusion and increases users' efforts. Naming helps organize the files, making it easy to obtain the required data. It plays a vital role within the Excel file as well. An adequately named Excel file and appropriately named sheets ease the tasks for the first and second person using the sheets. The name must always be descriptive and clear of the data stored within.
The font of the data plays a vital role in the presentation of reports. Fonts must be set so that they are readable at one glance. It is suggested that the user applies a bold format to the headings and a normal format to the font of the remaining data. The ideal fonts that can be used in a professional spreadsheet are Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman, etc.
Aligning the data in the cell is another important factor one must consider before creating the data. While it is preferred for the numbers to be right-aligned, it is suggested that the text must always be aligned to the left. However, the headings must be aligned to the centre of the cell. In addition, one must also consider aligning the content of the merged cells appropriately.
Titles are the headings assigned to an Excel sheet's columns, rows, graphs, charts, or images. The titles are an essential element of a spreadsheet. Unlabeled data sheets can be confusing and potentially deceptive. Therefore, you must provide titles for every chart, diagram, column and row you use. It makes it easy for you and the other person to work on the same sheet.
Remove Noise
Noise refers to the elements of a sheet that disturb its users. Disturbance can take the form of gridlines, the usage of too many colours, inappropriate charts, misleading sheet names, etc. One must always be sure that he/she successfully eradicates such noise from the Excel sheet before presenting it to others.
Owing to the growing use of Excel for reviewing data, it is important to make Excel files more presentable and to the point so that the viewer can easily get a gist of what's inside. The work becomes well organized, and the reader is impressed as all the pertinent information is fetched to him in an orderly manner.