Aug 12 min5 MOST USED SPREADSHEET SOFTWAREThere are numerous spreadsheet software available. Based on the feature, advantage & disadvantage, here are 5 most used spreadsheet software
Jul 312 min5 WAYS TO MAKE IT LOOK GOOD WITH EXCELExcel is a widely used tools for analyzing data 1 must have the skills of presentation in it Here are 5 ways to make it look good with Excel
Jul 142 min5 WAYS OF ORGANIZING DATA IN EXCELCollecting & creating data is easy maintaining it in Excel is an essential step every one must adhere to. 5 ways to organize data in Excel.
Jul 62 min5 THINGS ABOUT SPARKLINES IN EXCELWhenever you think you know everything about it, another function or feature surprises you. Here are the 5 things about sparklines in Excel.
Aug 15, 20232 min5 DIFFERENT FORMATS TO ADJUST DATES IN EXCEL Data cleaning for numbers often requires the formatting of dates; the reason could be that the format you use is different.